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Percentage of People Reporting Having Downloaded or Accessed Copyright-Protected Content Illegally, by Age Groups (2013)

This column chart shows that the percent of respondents who report that they have illlegally downloaded or accessed copyright-protected content over the last 12 months is highest among respondents 15 to 24 years old and consistently decreases as respondents' ages increase after that. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Percentage of People Reporting Having Downloaded or Accessed Copyright-Protected Content Illegally, by Education Level (2013)

This column chart shows that the percent of respondents who report having downloaded or accessed copyright-protected content in the last 12 months increases with education level and is highest for those currently studying. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Percentage of People Reporting Having Downloaded or Accessed Copyright-Protected Content Illegally, by Gender (2013)

This segmented column chart shows that respondents aged 15 to 24 years old are more likely than the general population to report having illegally accessed or downloaded copyright-protected content in the last 12 months, and that men are more likely than women to report having done so. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Percentage of People Reporting Having Downloaded or Accessed Copyright-Protected Content Illegally, Groups of European Union Member States (2013)

This table shows that the percent of respondents who report having downloaded or accessed copyright-protected content in the last 12 months is higher among respondents from member states which joined the European Union after 2004 than it is among other member states. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Percentage of Swedish Respondents Who Use Illegal Services to Stream or Download Films and/or Series

The chart, based on survey data from Sweden in 2015, shows that roughly 8% of Swedes report that they use illegal services to download or stream both films and series. Swedish women may be slightly less likely than men to use these illegal services to access films and series.
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Perceptions on How Internet Hosting Services Should Deal with Illegal Content Uploaded or Posted by Their Users

This segmented bar graph shows that the majority of respondents believe that hosting services should immediately remove content flagged as illegal by law enforcement authorities, process all notifications they receive, remove content flagged as illegal by organisations with proven expertise on the topic, and give users the ability to appeal removal decisions. The results are based on the answers to the question "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?"
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Primary Reason for Downloading Music From Illegal Sources

The chart illustrates the distribution of the respondents' primary reasons for downloading music from illegal sources. The most common answer by far was the price.
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Primary Reason for Streaming Music From Illegal Sources

The chart illustrates the distribution of the respondents' primary reasons for streaming music from illegal sources. The most common answer by far was the price.
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Satisfaction with How the Internet Hosting Services Handled a Notification

This pie chart shows that the majority of respondents who encountered illegal content online and informed the internet service hosting the content were satisfied with how the internet hosting service handled their notification. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Second Notices Sent Since 2010

This column chart shows the cumulative number of second notices sent by Haute Autorité Française pour la Diffusion des Oeuvres et la Protection des droits sur Internet (HADOPI) from 2010 to 2017. HADOPI sent the most notices between July 2011 and June 2012 and between July 2013 and June 2014. The second notice refers to a graduated two-step response implemented by HADOPI to remind internet subscribers of their responsibility regarding their Internet connection which should not be used to make works protected by copyright (or related rights) available for piracy.